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Postpartum Depression: “Did I ruin my life by having a child?”

Postpartum Depression: "Did I ruin my life by having a child?" | Annie Wright, LMFT | www.anniewright.com

“Did I ruin my life by having a child?”

In mid-December of last year, I was sitting in the backseat of our car around the block from Barney’s Burgers on Solano Avenue, desperately typing any iteration of this sentence into Google that I could while my infant daughter slept in her car seat beside me and my husband was inside the restaurant spending an exorbitant amount of money on greasy comfort food for us.

Postpartum Depression: "Did I ruin my life by having a child?" | Annie Wright, LMFT | www.anniewright.com

Postpartum Depression: “Did I ruin my life by having a child?”

“Is my life ruined because I had a baby?”

“When does having a baby get easier?”

“How do I know if I ruined my life if I had a baby?”

“Did I make a mistake in having a baby?”

“Is my career over because I had a baby?”

Like a Magic 8-Ball, I wanted Google to reveal some reassurance that could give me a sliver of hope.

Do You Feel Shakier Inside Than Your Life Looks on the Outside?

A quiz to help you understand why you might feel less stable beneath the surface despite working so hard to build a good life.

So I kept typing, unhappy with the sparse and not-good-enough results that were popping up.

All the while, I was being quiet as a mouse, mentally willing my six-week-old daughter not to wake up because, when she did, inevitably she would start screaming and 98% of the time it felt like there was nothing we could do to soothe her.

My husband came back with the burgers, fries, and milkshakes, our baby miraculously stayed asleep through the opening and closing of the car door, and we started driving to and through Tilden Park, hoping the motion of the drive would keep her asleep and allow us to eat some food and just be normal for five minutes.

We hadn’t left the house for anything other than a pediatrician appointment and Thanksgiving at our friends since she was born, so the drive through a park that we’d frequented dozens of times pre-baby was supposed to be for fun.

To get out into the world again and be a happy little new family like we were “supposed” to be.

But our daughter woke up ten minutes into the drive and halfway into the burger, and she started howling and screaming again.

I felt defeated. I felt hopeless.

I started comforting my daughter, of course, but really what I wanted to do was more Googling to help get me through my painful thoughts and feelings.

Turning the car around and taking the drive back through the hills to our home as twilight settled, I remember looking out the car window, seeing the pretty, peaceful homes slip by my view, aching with longing and sadness and thinking:

“The person inside that home’s going to sleep tonight.” 

“And that other person will sleep tonight, too.” 

“That person probably doesn’t have a child so their life is great.”

“I have a baby and I’m never going to sleep again. My life is ruined.”

And that’s when I knew that what I was dealing with was more than The Baby Blues.

I began to suspect I had strayed into the land of Postpartum Depression and that I needed help.

Postpartum Depression is much different than “The Baby Blues”

I’ll share more about my story in a minute but first I want to provide just a little psychoeducation about what Postpartum Depression is and why it’s different than “The Baby Blues” so you can understand why I suspected I was dealing with it and how I got myself support.

The so-called Baby Blues is a normal and natural part of giving birth.

With the intensity of the experience, the vacillation of hormones, and navigating into life’s biggest transition, a fluctuation of mood is normal and natural.

The Baby Blues typically last a few weeks and may include experiences like swings of moods, anxiety, sadness, irritability, feeling overwhelmed, crying, trouble sleeping, and changes in appetite.

Again, all of this is normal and natural and a very appropriate response to, again, what I truly think is one of the biggest transitions a woman can make – becoming a mom.

However, when The Baby Blues persist after several weeks, when the symptoms start to increase in severity and intensity, when your experience starts to include depressed mood and severe mood swings, difficulty bonding with your baby, insomnia (even when you get a blessed few hours to sleep!), hopelessness, restlessness, severe anxiety, panic, and/or thoughts of harming yourself or your baby, you’re not just dealing with The Baby Blues anymore.

You’re most likely dealing with Postpartum Depression.

One experience is normal and natural and fades relatively quickly after the birth.

The other I still think we can call normal and natural, but it’s much more severe in nature, more persistent, and it’s a complication of birth that can dramatically impact you, your wellbeing, and sometimes your ability to bond with your baby and weather the transition adequately.

I have a lot of advantages in being a licensed therapist and having been in this field for almost ten years to know about Postpartum Depression and to be able to track myself and my emotional experience closely (even in the postpartum hormonal and sleep-deprived haze that made me less than my most grounded, self-aware self!).

But still, even with all my training, self-awareness, and insights into Postpartum Depression, I was probably a few weeks late in getting myself the help I needed.

I’ll say more on what help looked like for me in a minute, but first I want to talk about what factors contribute to Postpartum Depression.

What factors contribute to Postpartum Depression?

In some ways, I was inevitably predisposed to Postpartum Depression.

I have a history of depressive episodes in my own life. I have a maternal mental health history of Postpartum Depression. I had a high-risk pregnancy. We had a traumatic birth. We had huge challenges with breastfeeding that ultimately couldn’t be bridged. My baby had severe colic (hence her inability to be soothed). And, to top it all off, on the second night after she was born, the 2018 Paradise Fire started here in California which led to us not only smelling smoke in the hospital for the remainder of our stay but also led to us, when we finally got discharged, having to stay indoors and keep all the windows and doors closed to prevent the wildfire smoke and terrible air quality from getting into our baby’s lungs (and when we did leave the house to go to the pediatrician, we wore N95 air masks and I had to hold scarves over my baby’s nose and mouth). And then when the fires died down, the winter rains came so we were basically stuck inside the house without much social supports around us.

It was a confluence of factors that, even without all the good internal and external supports I had, would have likely added up to Postpartum Depression.

And the context of my own story is validated in the excellent research on Postpartum Depression that Dr. Cheryl Tatano Beck has conducted where she identified 13 predisposing variables for Postpartum Depression:

  • Prenatal depression;
  • Self-esteem;
  • Childcare stress;
  • Prenatal anxiety;
  • Life stress;
  • Social support;
  • Marital relationship;
  • History of previous depression;
  • Infant temperament;
  • Maternity blues;
  • Marital status;
  • Socioeconomic status;
  • And unplanned/unwanted pregnancy.

(You can read more about Dr. Beck’s research and contextualization for these variables here.)

And yet – this is very important! – you don’t have to check off all or even any of these thirteen criteria to be predisposed to or to experience Postpartum Depression.

You can have a mental health history free of anxiety and depression, an effortless conception, pregnancy, and birth, an easy breastfeeding journey, a baby with an easier temperament, great spousal and social supports, etc. AND you can still experience Postpartum Depression.

Unfamiliarity with and frequent shame in the diagnosis coupled with the insidious nature of the symptoms (they resemble and can be hard to separate from The Baby Blues), often leads to women not seeing themselves in the diagnosis (or predisposition to it) which can lead to a delayed response is seeking out support and getting treatment.

And I’m here to tell you: early treatment of Postpartum depression is critical.

Getting support for Postpartum Depression.

So I want to approach this section on treatment in two ways.

If you’re already feeling depressed:

  • First, I want to tell you that if you’re already deep into Postpartum Depression and you’re seeing yourself in this article (or even if you have a mild suspicion that this is going on for you), please contact a therapist. If you have an established therapist, call or text them. If you need to find one, Google “Therapist Postpartum Depression” to see what turns up in your area. Book a session with them. Some therapists offer video sessions so you won’t even have to leave your house and baby (super hard to do when you’re breastfeeding and on a 2-hour feeding cycle!).
  • Next, don’t rule out medication. When we’re experiencing Postpartum Depression we’ve gone outside the window of tolerance that our nervous systems can handle. Our brain chemistry is struggling and we may need some additional supports beyond talk therapy. Medication is such a divisive topic but I’m here to tell you as a therapist with a moderate stance on medication: I’ve seen it save lives. So, please don’t rule this out. Bring it up with your therapist. Call your GP or psychiatrist who can actually prescribe, and explore this with them.
  • Tell your partner, your mother, whoever is safe for you, clue them in and let them help you. Postpartum Depression – like so many kinds of suffering – blooms and blossoms in silence. So, very importantly, as you reach out for professional support or even before you do, let someone who loves you and knows you well know what’s going on for you. Ask them to help you book that therapy session or find a psychiatrist. Let your loved ones support you. 

If you’re not yet on or early on in your conception pregnancy journey and you want to create a preventative maternal mental health care plan for yourself, consider the following:

  • Loop your healthcare providers in to support you. Talk to your OBGYN, midwife, doula, perinatologist, birth coach, etc about your desire to create a preventative mental health care plan for yourself. Most healthcare providers are excellent about including discussions around mental health into your overall fertility and pregnancy plan but if they don’t bring it up, be proactive and start dialoguing about it with them. Ask them what they know can be of support in mitigating the risks for postpartum depression and ally with them to help track you as you journey through the process.
  • Have a therapist and a safe therapeutic established relationship beforehand. I’ll be honest: looking for a therapist when you’re in crisis and a brand new mother who can barely find 5 minutes to shower isn’t the ideal time to look for support (but you definitely still can!). Instead, if you want to set yourself up for success, it’s always a great idea to have a mental health care team in place before crisis hits. That way you have someone who knows you, who’s a safe and established expert support who can help you create a robust mental health care support plan and who can be just a text or call away when and if things get hard.
  • Talk frankly and openly with your partner about how they could help track you for any signs of Postpartum Depression. The 2018 movie Tully angered me when I saw how disengaged and unsupportive her spouse was. THAT is an excellent example of Dr. Beck’s “marital relationship” predisposing criterion for Postpartum Depression. But assuming you have a spouse who won’t disappear into work and video games to cope with their own overwhelm, ask them to support your preventative mental healthcare plan by educating themselves on the signs of Postpartum Depression and watching for any of these signs in you.
  • Spend your money liberally on supporting yourself. Look, I know this may not be an option for everyone but if you’re privileged enough to have some disposable income (or family willing to help you out on this), please consider budgeting, saving and spending your money liberally on yourself before and after the birth of your child. Spend it on a postpartum doula, grocery and meal delivery, a house cleaner, a night nurse, your own therapy, whatever. Literally use your resources in whatever way you can during the pregnancy and postpartum phase to create ease for yourself in whatever way you can. Obviously, do this responsibly and soberly, but know that there will always be more time to make more money. In my opinion, it’s not worth saving pennies to deny yourself help when you may deeply need it in this temporary phase.
  • Consider reducing or eliminating any triggers that may contribute to Postpartum Depression. This will be unique and contextual to your own life but some examples of this may include reducing or ceasing your consumption of news and violent or disturbing TV or movies if you know they contribute to your anxiety levels. This may mean stepping back from social media or holding stronger boundaries with challenging family members. Whatever it looks like for you to reduce additional mental and emotional triggers to support yourself in better managing the enormity of pregnancy, birth, and new motherhood, please do it.

So, what did I do when I realized that what I thought was The Baby Blues had actually turned into Postpartum Depression? 

I texted my therapist and booked an immediate session with her. I contacted Kaised to get an appointment with a psychiatrist to explore medication support. I let my husband know that I thought this was Postpartum Depression and I needed extra support. I let my best girlfriends know. I took things day by day with the knowledge that the medication would help bring me back into a window of tolerance so I could actually sleep again. And then the medication kicked in and I could sleep in three-hour chunks which led to a cascade of other improvements in my own well-being. And I did what all new parents do: put one foot in front of the other and move through the blur of those first four months. 

And things got better.

So. Much. Better.

Why I wrote this post.

I’ll be honest: I was hesitant about writing today’s post. 

There’s vulnerability for me in sharing my story so publicly, of course, but the greater part of my hesitancy is a concern that someday my daughter might feel bad or blame herself in some way for me having Postpartum Depression. 

Obviously, she didn’t cause it. 

And while her having severe colic may have contributed, even without that variable, I was still predisposed. 

But, even though it’s vulnerable to share more of my story and even though she may someday read this post, I still wanted to write this article specifically for any woman who is newly in the postpartum phase, desperately Googling the same or some other iteration of the question “Did I ruin my life by having a child?” to help her.

Look: When we are inside that space of Postpartum Depression, nearly broken for lack of sleep, hormonal shifts, and dysregulated nervous systems, it’s easy to imagine that we’ve ruined our lives by choosing to have a child. 

We’re deep into a dark tunnel with no way to see the light at the other end. 

I wanted to write today’s post to tell any woman who’s suffering and struggling right now precisely what I was desperate to hear when I was sitting in the car, Googling for answers and waiting for greasy comfort food to numb my feelings a year ago:

You did NOT ruin your life by having a child. You are in the midst of one of the most challenging times of your life and, from inside this place, you really can’t think or see clearly. It may *feel* like your life is over right now but I promise you it isn’t. Not actually. It will look different moving forward now that you’re a mother, it won’t look like it did before, but it’s also *not* always going to look and feel like it does right now. This incredibly hard time will pass – but you need to get yourself help so it can pass! – and things will likely feel so much better. Maybe when your baby is 4 months old, or 6, or 8 or 10, or maybe longer than that. But trust me, you will have a life again, and it will include your amazing little baby, and it will be a good life. But first, honey, if you’re asking yourself this question, please realize you may need some extra support right now.

“You did NOT ruin your life by having a child.”

I wouldn’t have believed this myself when I was in the thick of my Postpartum Depression but, just this past week, my daughter turned one and I can tell you with every cell in my body that she’s the love of my life and the best thing that I’ve ever done or will ever do in my life. 

As opposed to her ruining my life, she’s made it indescribably better, bigger, richer, and more magical.

I couldn’t see my way out of the dark tunnel during those first few months of her life, convinced I had ruined my career, my health, and my happiness, but she’s the center of my everything now. 

Her panoply of wacky facial expressions, her infectious laugh, her obsession with her stuffed panda and playing peek-a-boo around the corner of the couch, how she constantly points and asks “Dat?” as she’s trying to figure out the world, and how she’s decided recently that spoons are dumb and the best way to eat her food is to put it on top of her sippy cup and bring it to her mouth and chew it from there… She’s magic.

And far from ruining my career, I’ve never felt more inspired, focused and driven in my life. I also feel happy and filled with meaning and purpose and so, so much love. 

Am I still tired? Yes, of course: I’m a working mom. But do I feel the same way I did in those first few months of her life? Not at all. 

So for anyone out there Googling, wondering if things will get better, I want to say this to you:

Hang in there. It WILL get better. But in order for it to do so, you NEED to get yourself some support. A flashlight and guide to steer you through the dark tunnel right now, however that looks.

If you recognize yourself in what I’ve shared – if you’re that high-achieving woman who looks polished on the outside but feels shaky within – I’d love to support you in building true inner steadiness. Here’s how we can work together:

Take my free quiz to understand your inner foundation. In just 10 minutes, you’ll gain clarity on where you need support plus receive a personalized resource guide to help strengthen your psychological groundwork. 

Ready for trauma-informed therapy? If you’re in California or Florida, my boutique therapy center, Evergreen Counseling, is here for you. Book a free consultation with our Clinical Intake Director who will thoughtfully match you with the best therapist for your needs (possibly even me!).

Living elsewhere? My executive coaching services are available virtually worldwide, designed specifically for ambitious women healing from relational trauma while maintaining their drive. Learn more.

Want structured guidance? Join the waitlist for Fixing the Foundations, my signature course launching 2025. Using a neuroscience-based approach, I’ll guide you through healing relational trauma and building sustainable inner strength.

Here’s to healing relational trauma and creating thriving lives on solid foundations.



PS: I wonder what this post brought up for you? If you would like to leave me a comment letting me know your thoughts or experience, I’d love to hear from you in this post’s comments below.

More resources if you’re struggling right now:

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  1. Maia says

    I’m a new mom, with a two month old. It hasn’t been easy, but I’ve been lucky. I have a strong support network, including a therapist that I started seeing during my pregnancy.
    I made that choice because I experienced antenatal depression. There were plenty of times when I asked myself, did I ruin my life by getting pregnant?
    Having a support system in place was key in my postpartum survival.
    Thanks for writing this, Annie.
    It’s SUCH an important part of life.

    • Annie says

      Maia, I’m so, so glad you have such great supports around you. And you brought up something important which I didn’t touch on in the article: antenatal depression is real and hugely impactful, too. Thank you so much for raising this as a point, and also for taking the time to read my words and to leave a message. It means a lot to me. Warmly, Annie

      • Cassandra says

        Thank you so much for sharing your experience because I am googling the same things you were and wondering if things will get better. I have my appointment with a therapist in a couple of days.

        • Annie says

          Cassandra, you are so welcome. I’m so glad my words felt validating to you. You are not alone and things will get better. And I’m so proud of you for seeking support. Your commitment to healing is really truly inspiring. Warmly, Annie

  2. Melinda says

    Thank you for sharing so much of your journey with us! I will be sharing this article far and wide in my life and with my therapy clients. You have helped us discern the difference between ‘normal’ baby blues and post partum depression. This is such an important discussion we all need to be having with our pregnant and parenting loved ones. Thanks Annie! XO

    • Annie says

      Melinda, thank you so much for such kind, supportive words! I’m honored you found value in what I wrote and that you might share it with your therapy clients. In my experience, we can’t share and talk about this information widely enough! Big love to you. Annie

  3. Kath says

    I am a new mum and a therapist too. My baby is one month old and while I don’t feel deep in depression, I am predisposed and already exhausted. I just wanted to say thank you for this sharing and for allowing yourself to be vulnerable.

    I have found that because i am a therapist I have experienced shame and guilt that I didn’t have a better birth experience, that things didn’t go smoothly with breastfeeding and I had to stop, that I am so vulnerable I can’t reach my usual resources. I’ve found it hard that I didn’t ‘do better’ after all my training.

    But, like you, I realised I was at risk of sinking and I reached out and booked my own therapy appointment, I hired a postpartum doula, I grabbed onto the things I knew would help me. This post is so important and you’ve helped me feel less ashamed of this struggle.

    And you’ve given me hope for the future when I need it.

    Awareness does not make us immune to life’s biggest challenges, but at least it gives us some chance to catch what is going on for us before it gets too dark.

    Big hugs to you (and me) (and our babies!) xx

    • Annie says

      Aww, Kath, your message brought tears to my eyes! I remember the one month mark and the exhaustion and “therapist guilt.” I think we as helpers may be predisposed to shaming ourselves sometimes more than others because we often have a story that we “should” be able to cope better, know this, etc.. And in my experience, painful life experiences and their attendant complex emotions are indiscriminate! It’s exactly like you said: “Awareness does not make us immune to life’s biggest challenges, but at least it gives us some chance to catch what is going on for us before it gets too dark.” What I love is that you know yourself enough to know you need extra support right now and that you’re taking action to get it. That is so wise! I’m sending you and your sweet baby a big hug and so, so much tenderness right now. Warmly, Annie

  4. Robbie says

    Thank you for writing this. I was googling the same question you were and found this. It was just what I needed to give me some hope. Know that sharing this experience has helped someone. Thank you again.

    • Annie says

      Robbie, I’m so touched by your message. It’s always my hope that my words will cross paths with those that need them in the time they need them. You are so welcome. I’m sending you my very best. Warmly, Annie

  5. Katie says

    Thanks so much for this. I landed here because I Googled the same thing, and your words are helping me more than you know. I’m setting up a therapist appointment now,

    • Annie says

      It’s so lovely to hear from you and to know that the post resonates so deeply. Let me just say that I’m incredibly proud of you for seeking support through therapy. You deserve it.

      Warmly, Annie

  6. Carrie says

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. New mom of an 8 week old, watching her almost entirely by myself while my husband finishes his medical rotations, and to boot our town was just hit with a huge fire and I’m feeling completely worn out with anxiety and up all night even when baby is sleeping. Your post gave me everything I needed to hear right now; will seek help as soon as possible.

    • Annie says

      Hi Carrie,

      Thank you for your comment, I am so pleased that my post resonated with you. You have so much on your plate right now, please remember that you are not alone and you are doing your very best. I am proud of you for deciding to seek support, you are so worth it! Please take such good care of yourself, I am sending you my very best.

      Warmly, Annie

  7. Anna Celaya says

    Thank you. A million times, thank you. This is exactly what I needed to hear. I’m 11 weeks postpartum and dealing with very similar feelings. I just started medication a week ago and I’m trying to be patient.

    • Annie says

      Hi Anna,

      You’re so very welcome! I know those first few month can be so incredibly hard. I hope this post made you feel a little less alone. Please continue to seek support if you’re struggling, and in the meantime, take such good care of yourself.

      Warmly, Annie

  8. Phyll says

    I’m 2 weeks postpartum and found this by googling the same things. I’m wondering if this is postpartum depression or just baby blues. This is my third child and I remember having similar feelings but this time it seems so much worse. I feel like I’ve ruined all the lives of my family. My now middle child is really struggling. It doesn’t help that he sees me crying and blames the baby.

Do You Feel Shakier Inside Than Your Life Looks on the Outside?

A quiz to help you understand why you might feel less stable beneath the surface despite working so hard to build a good life.

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