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Part 1 of 2: A Practice to Mindfully Close 2015 and Consciously Welcome 2016.

Part 1 of 2: A Practice to Mindfully Close 2015 and Consciously Welcome 2016. | Annie Wright, LMFT | www.anniewright.com

I have to confess something: I love rituals.

I especially love rituals and practices that help me get more present, curious, and engaged with myself and that help me feel empowered to create and cultivate the life I desire.

Part 1 of 2: A Practice to Mindfully Close 2015 and Consciously Welcome 2016. | Annie Wright, LMFT | www.anniewright.com

Part 1 of 2: A Practice to Mindfully Close 2015 and Consciously Welcome 2016.

The holiday season is a time of the year when rituals abound — trimming the Christmas tree, lighting the Menorah, sillyawesome holiday cards sent off to your friends and family, etc.. And, beyond the standard holiday rituals that I absolutely love indulging in during this season, for the last five years now I’ve added yet another personalized ritual into the last week of the year that allows me to reflect on and close out the prior year and prepare for the coming one in a way that feels deeply supportive and fruitful for my overall growth and life progress.   

Do You Feel Shakier Inside Than Your Life Looks on the Outside?

A quiz to help you understand why you might feel less stable beneath the surface despite working so hard to build a good life.

I’ve come to think of this ritual as my Annual Closing and Welcoming — a process where I get to deeply reflect on my prior year, honoring all that I learned, gained, lost, and was challenged by, gleaning all the lessons and insights I can so that I can bring emotional closure to the year. And then, in that same week before the new year starts, I spend time reflecting on all that I want to create, call in, explore, and seek support with, setting intentions for what I hope to create and pursue in the next twelve months.

(And I usually do this with some Loreena McKennitt playing in the background and steaming cups of licorice tea — highly recommended!)

I’ve found this ritual to be grounding, healing, clarifying, exciting, and fruitful in helping me show up more powerfully and creatively for my life and, in the spirit of the season, today I’d like to share this ritual with you.

So in this blog post — which is Part 1 of 2 — I’m going to share the very prompts I explore annually to mindfully close out my year so that you can likewise do this. And then, in two weeks on Sunday, December 27th, I’ll be sharing Part 2, a post with prompts designed to help you get clearer on what you want to create and work towards in 2016 so that you can enter the new year consciously, with clear intentions, and soulful goals.

The best part of this whole ritual is that, at the end of every year, when I read back over my notes from the year prior, I can trace and celebrate the accomplishments and see which life areas then and now may call for additional supports and attention. The whole process helps me get more present with my life, more clear about what it is I want to create next, and more curious and conscious about how I’m growing, changing, and evolving in my life as the years pass. My hope is that this ritual of closing out 2015 and welcoming 2016 might feel good and useful to you, too.

So pour yourself a cup of tea and keep reading…


Hi there. This blog post has been retired and is now included (along with plenty of incredible other material) in my e-book “Soul + Strategy: The Ultimate Right Brain/Left Brain Annual Planning Workbook” which you can purchase from my digital shop here.


If you recognize yourself in what I’ve shared – if you’re that high-achieving woman who looks polished on the outside but feels shaky within – I’d love to support you in building true inner steadiness. Here’s how we can work together:

Take my free quiz to understand your inner foundation. In just 10 minutes, you’ll gain clarity on where you need support plus receive a personalized resource guide to help strengthen your psychological groundwork. 

Ready for trauma-informed therapy? If you’re in California or Florida, my boutique therapy center,Evergreen Counseling, is here for you.Book a free consultation with our Clinical Intake Directorwho will thoughtfully match you with the best therapist for your needs (possibly even me!).

Living elsewhere? Myexecutive coaching servicesare available virtually worldwide, designed specifically for ambitious women healing from relational trauma while maintaining their drive. Learn more.

Want structured guidance? Join the waitlist forFixing the Foundations, my signature course launching 2025. Using a neuroscience-based approach, I’ll guide you through healing relational trauma and building sustainable inner strength.

Here’s to healing relational trauma and creating thriving lives on solid foundations.



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  1. sheila wilensky says

    WOW, A LOT TO THINK ABOUT Annie! Thanks. Here’s a friend’s practical ritual: On Jan. 1, clean out your office, old papers and stuff. Who gave me my favorite compliment of 2015? It was you! Love, S

    • Annie says

      Hi Sheila,

      I’m so pleased to hear from you and to know the article resonated and that I gave you one of your best 2015 compliments! 🙂

      And I’m definitely going to add that practical ritual to my new year’s list — that sounds freeing!

      Love, Annie

  2. Elle says

    Fshew, that was quite a list, Annie. But well worth it. Tackled Part One in just over 90 minutes. Looking forward to doing Part Two tomorrow and Friday. To answer your question, what did I learn this year…the most profound and rewarding accomplishments arose from becoming conscious of my different inner aspects, masculine and feminine, and to give them a voice so we can work as a team. I learned that I was feeling powerless because I was not whole in this way, and that since having this awareness and working with it, I have strengthened my inner authority, feel less triggered by external authority figures, am making better decisions, have deepened and/or begun healing relationships, and best of all, feel more open to love and create. Such a challenging, magical year that is coming to a perfect close with recent events and opportunities. Thank you for showing up with this beautiful gift at just the right time. Many blessings and much love in the New Year.

  3. Annie says


    I’m so honored to know the two-part post felt supportive and fruitful. I appreciate your awareness around how powerful and transformative it can be to give voice to both the masculine and feminine parts inside of you and what this can lead to. It sounds like you had a powerful year and I wish you all the best as we unfold the chapter of 2016.

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience with this post and Happy New Year!

    Warmly, Annie

Do You Feel Shakier Inside Than Your Life Looks on the Outside?

A quiz to help you understand why you might feel less stable beneath the surface despite working so hard to build a good life.

More helpful information.

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