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Over 100 reminders of why you’re ok, even on your hardest days.

Over 100 reminders of why you're ok for your hardest days. | Annie Wright, LMFT | www.anniewright.com

For those of us who come from relational trauma backgrounds, the holiday times can be especially triggering.

So many of us spend November 1 onwards just waiting for January to arrive, attempting to make it through and muscle through these triggering weeks and family-centric days.

Over 100 reminders of why you're ok for your hardest days. | Annie Wright, LMFT | www.anniewright.com

Over 100 reminders of why you’re ok, even on your hardest days.

Indeed, I’ve received so many letters and emails lately from those of you on my newsletter list that find this season particularly hard, asking for advice, guidance, and some sense of “it’s all going to be okay, right?”

So today’s blog post is for you if you’ve been having a hard time whatever the reason this season.

It’s an older post of mine – written in Summer 2017 – that feels evergreen, still salient even today.

(Though please pardon my liberal use of the term “you guys” in this older piece; I’m trying to remove that phrase from my spoken and written vocabulary now.)

Syntax aside, my hope is that the content – 101 reasons, quotes, reframes and cognitive challenges to help you feel even just a little bit better about your situation, whatever it is – will feel helpful to you today.

I hope that one quote, one idea, one reframe I offer can help you breathe a little deeper, feel a little more psychologically cozy and settled, and find some spark of possibility, of hope, that maybe things will keep getting better if you just keep waking up and putting one foot in front of the other.

Do you come from a relational trauma background?

Take this 5-minute quiz to find out (and more importantly, what to do about it if you do.)

Read it, and please, let me know what “reason” resonated with you the most. 

I would love it, too, if you could also share in the comments below the blog one more reason, idea, reframe, quote or tool you personally use on particularly hard days when you need and want to support yourself.

Any ideas, quotes, tools and reframes that you leave might really help one of the 30,000 blog readers we get on this site monthly. 

So thank you in advance for liberally sharing so that others can benefit from your wisdom. 

If you’re in California or Florida and ready to begin high-quality, trauma-informed therapy, my team and I at Evergreen Counseling can help. Book a complimentary consultation with our clinical intake director, and she’ll match you to the therapist who’s the best fit for you personally, clinically, and logistically. (It may even be me!)

Wherever you live, join the waitlist for my upcoming course, “Fixing the Foundations.” It’s designed to transform entrenched survival patterns into authentic inner steadiness through a multi-phase, neuroscience-backed approach.

Want to go even deeper? Take my free quiz to discover more about your relational blueprint. Once you do, I’ll add you to my mailing list so you’ll receive my twice-monthly “Letters from Annie”—personal stories, expert insights, and gentle guidance for your healing journey.

These newsletters are the only place I share intimate glimpses into my own life, the resources helping me right now, words that uplift me, and practices that nourish me—exclusively for my subscribers.

Sign up to stay connected, enjoy behind-the-scenes looks, and get support that goes beyond what I post on my website.

Thank you for being here. Until next time, please take such good care of yourself. You’re so worth it.




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