These packages were like tangible hugs across the miles and sometimes oceans.
Comfort in a box. Something sweet amidst hard times.
Today, the world collectively turns its attention to COVID-19.
As we feel and face our way through it all, you may be struggling.
You may feel anxious about getting sick, concerned about your vulnerable loved ones.
You may feel worried about economic losses and what you see the stock market doing.
You may have your trauma triggers rearing up right now, impacts triggered by all the not knowing.
You may be having trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, feeling grounded, feeling steady.
You may be having a really hard time.
Please know that this is normal and natural.
There is no one “way” we’re supposed to feel amidst a global pandemic.
Anxiety is a normal and natural response to the unknown, and let’s face it, there’s plenty of that these days.
And still, though, we want to try and support our nervous systems however we can as we cope with this added stress.
When you can’t calm down your nervous system, when you’re running on high alert all the time, it’s like trying to run a marathon at a sprint pace.
Do You Feel Shakier Inside Than Your Life Looks on the Outside?
A quiz to help you understand why you might feel less stable beneath the surface despite working so hard to build a good life.
You will burn out. You will feel the huge physical impacts of it.
We may be facing a proverbial marathon-like situation since we don’t know how many months it will take for COVID-19 to become manageable.
It’s a proverbial mental health marathon right now and we can’t have your nervous system on high alert (aka: sprinting) across all of that time.
To that end, while I can’t send each of you an actual tangible care package, today’s post is my 2020 equivalent of what my mother has always done for me: a digital care package of comfort to see you through hard times.
It’s a curated “package” of my words, thoughts, tools, and resources (including a guided audio meditation spoken by me and a book I’m making free to you), all designed to bring you a little comfort, a little more ease for your nervous system and more peace for your mind in these trying times.
I hope that any, some or all of it feels supportive to you. I hope that even one post or one sentence can help support your nervous system to regulate. I hope that this post feels good to you.
I care about you. We will get through this.
If you recognize yourself in what I’ve shared – if you’re that high-achieving woman who looks polished on the outside but feels shaky within – I’d love to support you in building true inner steadiness. Here’s how we can work together:
Take my free quiz to understand your inner foundation. In just 10 minutes, you’ll gain clarity on where you need support plus receive a personalized resource guide to help strengthen your psychological groundwork.
Ready for trauma-informed therapy? If you’re in California or Florida, my boutique therapy center, Evergreen Counseling, is here for you. Book a free consultation with our Clinical Intake Director who will thoughtfully match you with the best therapist for your needs (possibly even me!).
Living elsewhere? My executive coaching services are available virtually worldwide, designed specifically for ambitious women healing from relational trauma while maintaining their drive. Learn more.
Want structured guidance? Join the waitlist for Fixing the Foundations, my signature course launching 2025. Using a neuroscience-based approach, I’ll guide you through healing relational trauma and building sustainable inner strength.
Here’s to healing relational trauma and creating thriving lives on solid foundations.
A Care Package Of Comfort For Trying Times
- A Little Guide For Life’s Tough Times. (one of my books, made free for download for you right now)
- A grounding and nourishing meditation. (spoken by me, for you)
- A recipe for robust mental health: 13 ingredients. (one of my articles)
- A pep talk for those times when you’re struggling. (one of my blog posts)
- A few words of comfort on very hard days. (one of my blog posts)
- When life feels impossible. A note from me to you. (one of my blog posts)
- 101 self-care suggestions when it all feels like too much. (one of my blog posts)
- 101 reasons why it will all be okay.(one of my blog posts)
- 99 Uplifting quotes to spark your soul and see you through hard times. (one of my blog posts)
- Adulting’s not always easy. And humaning can be hard. (one of my blog posts)