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Closing Out The Old, Welcoming The New. Happy Holidays!

Closing Out The Old, Welcoming The New. Happy Holidays! | Annie Wright, LMFT | www.anniewright.com

Good morning,

It’s Christmas Eve day and, as you read this, I’m actually on a plane to Japan right now since my husband and I decided to start a new ritual for ourselves (per my prior post): traveling for the holidays.

I’m excited to spend Christmas eve in the air and land in Tokyo on Christmas afternoon. I’m excited, too, for all of the next week. Not only to see and experience Japan, but also because this next week is perennially my favorite of the year, no matter where on the globe I find myself.

Closing Out The Old, Welcoming The New. Happy Holidays! | Annie Wright, LMFT | www.anniewright.com

Closing Out The Old, Welcoming The New. Happy Holidays!

I deeply enjoy the week between Christmas and New Year’s and consider it the proverbial Sunday week of the year: all things seem to feel slower and quieter, deeper and stiller.

And I always use this slower, quieter time as an opportunity to reflect on all that happened in the year before, and I use it as a time to set intentions for the year ahead.

Call them goals, intentions, wishes, hopes, etc., but whatever you call them, I think there’s power in bringing deliberate intention to what we want to create in our lives for the new year.

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And while there’s a hundred different ways you can do this, I’ve developed a little e-book of the strategy I personally have used for the last 6 years (and will continue this year in Japan, probably on the long bullet train ride crossing the country!).

You can explore my annual year-closing/year-welcoming ritual called – Soul + Strategy: The Ultimate Left Brain Right Brain Workbook 2018 – here on my website or on Amazon.

(and yes, visiting Japan was one of the intentions I set when I completed the workbook this past year!)

But no matter which goal-setting process you use, no matter if you believe in setting goals for the new year or not, I want to wish you a very, very happy holiday and a wonderful new year.

It’s such a joy to be able to write for you and stay connected as we experience this wild human ride together.

I’ve got so much in store for 2018 that I’m looking forward to sharing with you. Keep your eyes peeled for a post from me in January filled with some big news!

And until then, please know I’m wishing you all the very best in the world.

Happy Holidays! Warmly, Annie

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